About Me
James McDonald M.B.S.C.H. Dip C.H.
James McDonald M.B.S.C.H. Dip C.H. is a clinical hypnotherapist with over 20 years experience in helping people change their life.
He practices all the latest techniques in Cognitive Hypnosis, he is a Licensed Master Practitioner in N.L.P. and "New Code" NLP, He is an experienced Life Coach and NLP Success Coach and is the only Licensed Practitioner of the Hypno-Band virtual Gastric Band in Paisley.
James has demonstrated hypnosis and teaches Self Hypnosis to the general public in hospitals and colleges around the country. James combines cognitive hypnosis, NLP,new code NLP and life coaching, utilising these most powerful tools for effecting personal change. James calls this unique approach "Mind Coach for Life"

One to One NLP/Hypnotherapy Sessions
James offers individualised sessions that are tailored to your specific needs. James will inspire and motivate you to make your body, mind and emotions function at their optimum.Whether you want to break a habit,lose weight, manage stress, rid yourself of a phobia or some other emotional problem, or indeed improve on a skill you already have, Mind Coach for Life can help. James will provide you with the skills to make healthier choices, You will leave Mind Coach for Life sleeping better and feeling better. Live your life in a more positive way with far greater personal resources to change your life for good.
NLP Success Coach/Life Coach
James coaches his clients on how to achieve goals and dreams with NLP Success Coaching in Paisley, He uses these skills for your personal development, achieving public speaking success, better communication, getting rapport, and achieving the ideal positive state to make anything possible in your life. Maintaining success and not 'self-sabotaging' are also key; with NLP Success Coach and Life Coach strategies you will learn these skills.
James has worked with clients such as:
James McDonald trained with the prestigious London College of Clinical Hypnosis and is a member of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
James is a Licensed Master Practitioner in NLP and "New Code"NLP
James is probably unique in his field given that, since 1996 he has studied and trained with both Dr John Grinder and Dr Richard Bandler -the co creators of NLP continuing to develop his skills with "New Code "NLP with Dr Grinder in 2010